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Barcelona Setup | Setup your company or activity in Barcelona
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Set up your business in Spain. Barcelona. Granollers.

Office registration and tax address

From small freelancers and SMEs to subsidiary foreign companies

Saving costs by outsourcing facilities and services not tied to the core of your business

We will be your business address and if so much more


And besides that…


Space 1218

Free for 6 months for entrepreneurs and collaborators

Located in the centre of Granollers, the Space 1218 was created to help entrepreneurs, small business people and professionals to make their projects real. It is not only a space (physical) available to work and networking, but also all AVS.CAT’s professionals will bring you direct and specialized support. For this reason, it represents a great opportunity to enhance and maximize the options and viability of your business.

Shared space

with other professionals

High speed

professional internet

Air conditioning

and heating

Versatile meeting

room with whiteboard and screen

Protected center

with alarm and security cameras 24h


For more information…

Privacy policy

Domiciliaciones.es is a service offered by:

More than 25 years of experience advising entrepreneurs

Find us

Carrer Catalunya, 12-18, Baixos, 08401, Granollers
Phone number +34938792986 – email info@avs.cat – avs.cat